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Marble Surface

Misting and Fogging

Fogging is an important hygiene protocol to minimise the control of the microbial load in any environment, including homes, businesses, schools, and public spaces.  Fogging requires suitable equipment and the right disinfectant or biocide solution to achieve optimal results.

It is important to remember that environments that are thoroughly cleaned prior to the fogging disinfection achieve better hygienic outcomes.

Zoono and Probiotic Products are long-lasting
Zoono and Probiotic products are ultra gentle
Zoono and probiotic products are recommended by microbiologists
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Environmental Disinfection

Cost-effective preventative healthcare and often overlooked in environments that need it most! 

Protection from illness & disease with excellent results achieved in young environments, medical, and healthcare settings, workplaces & home environments.  Premium hygiene protection.

Unparalleled protection on all surfaces, objects and in the air from infectious disease.

Antimicrobial lasts for up to 28 days and does not wash off.

Probiotic provides protection up to 3-7 days on surfaces.

Proven 99.99% effective against coronavirus & other deadly pathogens.

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